In the situation where the person considers himself / herself injured regarding the right of access to the requested information of public interest:
Law no. 544/2001:
Article 21
(1) The explicit or tacit refusal of the designated employee of a public authority or institution for the application of the provisions of the present law constitutes a violation and attracts the disciplinary responsibility of the guilty person.
(2) Against the refusal provided in par. (1) a complaint may be submitted to the head of the respective authority or public institution within 30 days from the acknowledgment by the injured person.
(3) If after the administrative investigation the complaint proves to be substantiated, the answer shall be sent to the injured person within 15 days from the submission of the complaint and shall contain both the information of public interest initially requested and the mention of disciplinary sanctions taken against the guilty party.
Article 22
(1) In case a person considers himself / herself injured in his / her rights, provided in this law, he / she may file a complaint to the administrative contentious section of the court in whose territorial area he / she resides or in whose territorial area the seat of the authority or public institution. The complaint is made within 30 days from the date of expiration of the term provided in art. 7.
(2) The court may oblige the public authority or institution to provide the requested information of public interest and to pay moral and / or patrimonial damages.
(3) The decision of the court is subject to appeal.
(4) The decision of the Court of Appeal is final and irrevocable.
(5) Both the complaint and the appeal are judged in court in the emergency procedure and are exempt from stamp duty.
Model 1 - Administrative complaint
Model 2 - Administrative complaint